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Storyma Languages

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Giochi Istruzione Istruzione Giochi di parole
Sviluppatore Soleriant systems



Speaking a foreign language not only requires to master its grammar, but also its vocabulary and idioms, for oral and written usage.

This second task is often tedious and requires hundreds of study hours in most cases, and even more for complex and remote languages.



To make this task easier, we have incorporated about 8,000 key words in three languages (french, english, german) within two illustrated interactive stories:

* A travel story, covering everyday life vocabulary, breakdown by topics:
- Courtesies, time, number, etc.
- Food
- Clothing
- School and children
- etc.

* A business founding story, covering mainly business vocabulary and key words:
- Research and development
- Intellectual property and contracts
- Marketing and sales
- etc.

All this content can be reviewed in approximately 200 hours of time, for each linguistic combination and each validation loop. A full validation of the lexicon is obtained when three loops of tests have been successfully completed.



Storyma Languages also offers advanced learning techniques:

* to deepen the four key vocabulary abilities:
- written understanding
- oral understanding
- written expression
- oral pronunciation (*)

* Permanent access to the source language and the target language:
in Storyma, you select a source language (mother tongue or an other mastered language) and a target language (the one you want to learn). These two languages will then be visible all along your learning session.

* Learning algorithm
To obtain the full validation of a given word, you will have to validate three times each of the four key abilities. After the initial validation, your learning and validation experience will be paced by a repetition algorithm.

* Manual mode and hands free mode (**)
Storyma Languages can be used hands free, and even without watching the screen. In this case, you will interact with the application just by listening and speaking (provided you activated the speech ability).

8 modes of usage are available, whether :
- your hands are free or not
- you can watch the screen or not
- you can hear or not
- you can speak or not
Storyma Languages will thus adapt to most situations of your everyday life, so as to help you cumulate easily the long work hours required by vocabulary learning.


(*) The « speech » ability requires a good and stable network connection. If you are in a location without network access, just deselect the speech ability and work the three other skills.
(**) The hands free mode currently offers less words than the manual mode.